democRATs and the MSM are so utterly terrified of the idea and are doing their absolute best gaslighting to dismiss it. Those who still cannot accept that the 2020 election was stolen are spinning surreal fantasies about how dead people and illegals voting, along with more votes being cast than adults legally able to vote, then counting stopping when Trump and other MAGA candidates (like John James for Senate in Michigan) are ahead and resuming hours or days later and they are suddenly magically losing is all normal.
They refer to it as an “insane scenario” and “far-fetched notion” with Pelosi having to hand the gavel to Trump and refer to those pushing for same as “cringeworthy loyalist” and “troll”. Then you remember they masked us, took our jobs, locked us in our homes, forced many to take shots, are grooming our kids, changed the way we vote, then gaslighted us that it was all normal. THEY are cringeworthy and insane.
Those who have suggested this before saw the idea demeaned but it is a good one, especially when you combine it with a 2nd Trump Presidential term in 2024. President Trump likely sees it as a step down from POTUS and like being confined to the Capitol for 2 years but really those being confined would be the ones opposed to MAGA. They’d be ‘locked in’ with him, not the other way around. He’d rule the roost!
We know what kind of power a House Speaker has, as Paul RINO Ryan hates Trump and for 2 years blocked everything he tried to do. Then Ryan announced he was retiring and refused to leave for a year, preventing the Republicans from naming a replacement who would actually try to retain the House, thus handing it to Pelosi. Lastly, Rupert Murdoch’s leftist sons took over Fox News Channel and named Ryan to the board of directors there in January 2019.
The idea of Trump being Speaker is possible as there is NO requirement that position be held by a sitting member of the House. He wouldn’t get to vote on legislation (something nobody else seems to point out) but he would control the agenda, and Xoe Xiden would have to deal with him. PLUS, he would be in line for POTUS right behind VP. And given that just 2 of the 10 RINO traitors remain in the House this is doable.
Just a few of the benefits would be that as House Speaker: …you schedule and host joint sessions of Congress and would preside (AKA look down upon Biden) at the State of the Union, should he decide to still allow it to happen in the House Chamber
…you control spending as ALL spending Bills must begin in the U.S. House of Representatives*
…you are entitled to be addressed by your highest achieved title first, so he could be known as “President Speaker Donald Trump”
…you get to ‘put baby in the corner’ AKA stick it right back in democRAT faces, literally! Pelosi created an illegal committee and used masks to humiliate Republicans and Trump will put a label on the democRATs forcing them to wear ‘Dunce’ caps to be recognized on the floor
…you would get to preside over the investigations and impeachments of the communist fucks who stole America (Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi; even retired Nancy can still be impeached and retirement benefits stripped; she has toyed with the idea of doing this to Trump so it is possible), and anyone else (Mike Pence) at the Federal level who helped steal the 2020 election**
…you could take a $1.00 salary again as Speaker just to rub it in the noses of people like Liz Cheney who saw their net worth skyrocket while in office
…you would have the best place ever to announce a 2024 Presidential run, the very spot Pelosi used to attack him, the Speaker’s chair!
What those in the House now and those running for same that support this idea are doing is letting current House minority leader Kevin McCarthy know they do not support him. McCarthy already announced that if Republicans win the House back, he won’t Impeach Biden. Likewise, Mitch McConnell announced if Republicans take back the Senate there will be no investigations there of Biden. Why are we voting for them again?
Over the last year, President Trump has been asked about this scenario a few times and said, in order: “Well, I’ve heard the talk and it’s getting more and more, but it’s not something that I would have considered. But it is — certainly there’s a lot of talk about it.”
Then later “You know, it’s very interesting. That’s so interesting. And people have said, run for the Senate, OK, run for the Senate, but you know what? Your idea might be better. It’s very interesting.”
And months after that, he did finally appear to dismiss the idea, saying “No, I think that it’s not something I wanted. A lot of people bring it up. It’s brought up all the time. No, it’s not something I want to do. I want to look at what’s happening, and then we’re going to be doing something else. No, it’s not something I would be interested in.”
But we say do it and then you run for POTUS, retake the White House and finish the cleanup. And who would the MSM focus on in this case, Trump or Biden? Trump! They miss the fuck out of those ratings! The left says the Speaker job is too “labor-intensive” for President Trump but he isn’t the one who falls asleep constantly or needs drugs or drink to be propped up like Joe and Nancy do. And at 76 (6 years younger than Nancy) and as a patriot, does Trump really have a better way to spend the next 2 years?! Could golf EVER be THAT fulfilling? NEVER! So have fun with it and destroy the Biden Usurpation and democRATs at the same time.
*except ‘the affordable care act’ (AKA ObamaDONTcare) which was allowed by SCOTUS to begin life in the U.S. Senate in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
**for those at the State level involved, well there is a “special wonton soup for you” as well and it is called DOJ and FBI investigations AFTER those are cleaned up with real committee investigations of their own.
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
NOTE: We post new content regularly, and have a Comment section here in the shed (below every article), so please use it and help build the Reality community. If you enjoy our work please consider supporting Reality by using the “DonorBox” donation link, or the ‘Buy Me a Coffee‘ donation link…or both. Either way please bookmark us and help spread the word to family and friends. Thank you.
'confused', by unknown, found online. We guess the doctor is confused because they are anti 'the trans'.
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --
This afternoon, Sunday, July 21, 2024, to the surprise of everyone who had been saying he wouldn’t do it…and ONLY to them…, Joe Biden (and his body double) announced he (they) will not run for his (their) first term as U.S. President, after successfully stealing the 2020 election from Donald Trump (yes, they did), who is now seeking his 3rd term (second served).
President Trump was leading on the evening of Tuesday, November 3, 2020, when the DC Uniparty (aka original DCU, made up of democRATs and RINOs; Republicans In Name Only) realized they were going to lose and stopped counting in states, counties, cities and districts that they controlled. Then, magically, when they restarted counting hours to days later, Trump was suddenly losing. Ditto MAGA candidates for U.S. Senate (one was John James in Michigan), U.S. House, and others too.
Just four years earlier, on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, they tried to prevent Trump from becoming President by delaying the announcement of election results in Pennsylvania. Then after 90 minutes or so, when they couldn’t figure out how to steal it and with even the New York Times election website showing fewer votes to count than Trump was leading Hillary Clinton by, they finally declared him the winner of PA, and therefore the Presidency.
Fast-forward to 2020 and, thanks to communist Chinese ‘the covid’ and the newly invented ‘mail-in ballots’ (where they just sent them to every address, including vacant lots, and to everyone, including dead people and illegal aliens), rather than ‘absentee voting’, that requires a request, proper ID (including date or birth, last 4 of SS#, and a signature which is verified upon receipt at the Board of Elections), and a chain on custody, PLUS electronic voting machine fraud, the election was quite easy to steal.
Effectively, the alt-far-left-communist-democRATs got their assassination after all, only 8 days late. It just ended up being the Joe Biden presidential candidacy instead of his opponent.
Hey! If we’ve given you a giggle, or you’ve learned something you didn’t know, or you just want some cool talking points that you can use to torment that jackhole relative who ‘refuses to discuss politics’ but then leaves your TV on CNN when they depart, please consider donating. As much as we would like to say that the site pays for itself via ad money, the truth is that most of you block ads. And we understand! But getting 0.000582192 cents per view isn’t cutting it, and although we won’t beg, we will strongly encourage you to use the methods (Buy Me A Coffee, and/or Donorbox, currently) found all over the site. We would honestly like nothing better than to spend each day creating new content for you, so won’t you please help make our dream of perpetually sitting and typing become a reality? Thank you. –MG
Thomas Matthew Crooks, a full-fledged adult at age 20 despite what some others are claiming, was the one with the gun, but let’s not pretend he was the mastermind behind trying to kill President Trump on July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pennsylvania, at a MAGA (Make America Great Again) rally after their lawfare attempts to get rid of him failed. The DCU may want to sweep Crooks and the entire event under the rug via rigged ‘investigations’, but we won’t let them.
In another blow against democracy[SIC], which is actually two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for lunch, as opposed to our Republic (where sheep have 2A rights), with the democRAT Primary having ended June 8, 2024, with Joe Biden being the winner, the so-called elite will now introduce the illusion of a modified selection process and then select the democRAT candidate.
democRATs really are the least ‘democRATic’ party ever.
This is all a result of Barack Obama grabbing control of the democRAT party from the Clinton’s in 2008 and never letting go, ever. He was even the first president to leave office and purchase a home in the Washington, DC, area. He then installed Biden to continue his own planned destruction of the United States by orchestrating the 2020 election theft, and now he has decided it was time for Joe to go.
Some supporters are trying to shift to the cackling shrew Kamala ‘heels up’ Harris, who in 2020 stole the Vice Presidency (yes, she did). But others are scrambling to join the race, and the first of those is current U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D is for dip-shit, West Virginia), but he won’t be the last.
The bottom line is that leftists will do anything to stop the MAGA movement and to take out the founder and current leader, President Donald Trump, and complete their destruction of the USA. We can’t let them do that either.
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
NOTE: We post new content regularly, and have a Comment section here in the shed (below every article), so please use it and help build the Reality community. If you enjoy our work please consider supporting Reality by using the “DonorBox” donation link, or the ‘Buy Me a Coffee‘ donation link…or both. Either way please bookmark us and help spread the word to family and friends. Thank you.
'Got caught in the act', by Cookieslayer, via Bird porn is a growing problem, it just doesn't show since most male bird types don't have a penis. The female stands still while leaning forward and making cooing noises, and since the female has no vagina (they both have a Cloaca, or Vent), the male stands on her back and tries to line up their two Vents, much like human lesbians just without the scissoring. Also, female birds have very strong backs!
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --
Sometimes, this stuff really does write itself. The left are now vacillating between glee over their own actions, expressing regret over the fact that they didn’t succeed, and also trying to pin their attempt on us, even via memes.
Just as we predicted too, oh when was that again…wow it was way back on Saturday when we wrote it and Sunday morning when we published it and started working on this one.
Staunch-alt-far-left-communist-democRAT-groomer-extremist-grifter-indoctrinating-gaslighting-Alinskyite-fringe-election-theft-denying-globalist-stochastic-terrorist-hate-speecher-election-stealing-gun-grabbing-sun-deniers and the existential threat America faces today, are taking turns:
1) celebrating their attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, soon to be known as ’92’ (45 + 47), just 2 days before the Republican National Convention started in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2) being bummed out that they failed to kill him. 3) trying to claim that the shooter was one of us, which to them makes us responsible for their actions.
Let’s take the last one first, just to be semi-confusing. The claim is that Thomas Matthew Crooks, a grown man of 20, was both a registered Republican and a Nazi.
There is a picture of him wearing a ‘Demolitia’ t-shirt from the ‘Demolition Ranch’ channel on YouTube, and some on the left are claiming it is an indication Crooks is a Nazi, AND that this proves he is one of us (despite us not being Nazis).
As we have explained before, the view that the political spectrum goes from (L-R) communist to democRAT to so-called moderate (actually just unwilling to make a decision), then Republican followed by Nazi is a myth (not a mister).
Nazi is an abbreviation of National Socialist, and ALL socialists are left wing, PERIOD!
The only difference between a National Socialist and a Communist (aka Global Socialists) is the scope of their leftism (National vs Global). Those same two groups fought each other over Germany about 100 years ago, with the Nazis ‘winning’, and the rest is history (not her story).
So the actual political spectrum (this time R-L), is MAGA Conservative, Conservative, conservative (lower case c), Republican, RINO (Republican In Name Only), so-called moderate (seriously, get off the fence!), old-school blue dog Democrat (there might be one left somewhere), democRATs, socialists (including the national socialist aka Nazi kind), then communists, followed by dead communists (and the more of those, the better off we all are).
What does indicate some level of derangement is paying $37.45 for that t-shirt.
We don’t believe ‘Demolition Ranch’, which we had never heard of until now, is Nazi, but even if they were and even if Crooks was, it would just make them leftists, which disproves the leftist attempt to conflate us with them.
One mental midget on Reddit (perhaps the most leftist jerkle-circ on the interwebs) said “So I’m Guessing Trump wasn’t enough of a nazi for him?”, with a reply of “Thats my guess”, and a reply to that of “In 2021 he [Crooks. –MG] was registered as a Republican. He voted in the fall of 2022 for the last time.”
And with that we move to the second part of that last one of 3 things, which is the left claiming to have found Crooks’ voter registration which lists him as a Republican.
Hey! If we’ve given you a giggle, or you’ve learned something you didn’t know, or you just want some cool talking points that you can use to torment that jackhole relative who ‘refuses to discuss politics’ but then leaves your TV on CNN when they depart, please consider donating. As much as we would like to say that the site pays for itself via ad money, the truth is that most of you block ads. And we understand! But getting 0.000582192 cents per view isn’t cutting it, and although we won’t beg, we will strongly encourage you to use the methods (Buy Me A Coffee, and/or Donorbox, currently) found all over the site. We would honestly like nothing better than to spend each day creating new content for you, so won’t you please help make our dream of perpetually sitting and typing become a reality? Thank you. –MG
It isn’t as if certain states, thanks to the democRAT-RINO (Republican In Name Only, aka not actual Republicans) alliance, don’t allow democRATs to register as Republicans so they can fuck with Republican Primary results by choosing candidates for us.
Listen, we could go tomorrow (we’d do it today, but it is Sunday, and they are closed) and change our voter registration to democRAT, but that would never EVER make us an actual democRAT, because we would never EVER vote for communists or push communism. And that is lost on those 3 pole-smokers on Reddit.
[See, we told you we started this Sunday. We left that because rewriting it would be brutal. –MG]
Also, those documents, as well as pictures and now video (thanks to ‘deep fake’ technology) can be manipulated. We’ve seen video clips of actors in movies they weren’t in, complete with their real voice!
To further prove being a registered Republican means nothing, we have two words for you: Paul Ryan.
And we also have another two words for you: Mitch McConnell.
Plus, there is that old saying, “Actions speak louder than words.”, which in this case translates to an assassination attempt that…here it comes…wait for it…Morrisonesque ‘pregnant pause’ ending now…trumps a piece of paper (voter registration form). Or a picture.
So, when you hear someone discussing a “public-private partnership”, just realize that THAT is socialism.
Who did ‘not see’ that coming?
Since we don’t have anyplace else to stick it, when we mentioned the difference between a Republic (us) and a democracy[SIC] yesterday, we gave the recent UK election as an example, and we forgot to mention the recent French election.
Almost every election in France follows the same formula: the Right wins the first round, then the alt-far-left-communists always have a second round so they can join up to prevent the Right from saving France. And as an added bonus, they get a minority government (based on vote %), just like the UK has now!
The left know they fucked up, and just made it more likely Trump will win, but they are still giddy over their failed attempt, with lots of jokes about ‘just missing’, as well as lots of happiness that the attempt was finally made.
There is one more charge (#4) being leveled though, and honestly, we did think about it during the last article, but just like ‘using a sniper’, we figured the left would never go there. That allegation is that Trump set this all up for sympathy votes.
Here is one example, also from the most leftist place on earth (Reddit), the title of the comment being “AITAH to think it was a set up that Donald Trump was shot for sympathy vote?” and their illogical reasoning was “After watching the video, it seems like it was a way to get sympathy from voters. How far would he go to get votes?”
YES! Let that sink in. They think Trump let himself be shot, and allowed a person behind him to be murdered, somehow knowing he would survive AND that it would just be one death, and all to win an election.
The reason they think that is because THEY would do it if they were him!
What the left fails to understand, and we have to make certain they eventually ‘get it’, is that they have awoken the sleeping giant. By attempting to assassinate the founder and current leader of the MAGA movement, they will attract people to MAGA, which isn’t what they wanted, but it is what they got.
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
NOTE: We post new content regularly, and have a Comment section here in the shed (below every article), so please use it and help build the Reality community. If you enjoy our work please consider supporting Reality by using the “DonorBox” donation link, or the ‘Buy Me a Coffee‘ donation link…or both. Either way please bookmark us and help spread the word to family and friends. Thank you.
'A Different Kind of Meditation', by unknown, via, using 'Black Widow' from the Marvel (Disney) movies. We all know that leftists love killing (mostly babies, but they do branch out from time to time).
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --
The alt-far-left-communist-democRATs have been trying to ‘bring him down’ since before Donald Trump was technically up. He rode down the golden escalator at Trump Tower in New York City on June 16, 2015, and, 2 days after his 70th birthday no less, announced that he was running for President of the United States of America.
The attacks began during the announcement, and never stopped. As of 2 days ago, they included false charges, fake prosecutions, home invasions, election theft committed against him and the people of the United States, and even attacks on many of his supporters. But until yesterday, a certain line hadn’t been crossed.
No sooner had the July 13, 2024, rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, begun than, at about the 5-minute mark, what sounded like gunshots rang out…probably because that is exactly what they were, despite TV talking heads doing their best to say they were fireworks.
Eyewitnesses said they heard between 6 and 10 total shots, and now we know it was Thomas Matthew Crooks (at age 20 a grown man despite the lamestream media already attempting to call him a child), taking a few shots at Trump, hitting him on the right side of his head by his ear, as well as hitting and killing at least one person behind Trump, but then also government snipers killing the attempted assassin as he lay on a building rooftop to Trump’s right.
For their next trick, the leftstream urinalists will attempt to say that Crooks was one of us, a genuine MAGA (Make America Great Again; which is like silver to a werewolf or a cross to a vampire or Kryptonite to Superman, where leftists are concerned) through and through. Don’t fall for any of it.
Trump survived, and it is a good thing that he did as he has unfinished business. As do we, and they hate us almost as much as they despise Trump, and want us just as dead. Believe it!
Hey! If we’ve given you a giggle, or you’ve learned something you didn’t know, or you just want some cool talking points that you can use to torment that jackhole relative who ‘refuses to discuss politics’ but then leaves your TV on CNN when they depart, please consider donating. As much as we would like to say that the site pays for itself via ad money, the truth is that most of you block ads. And we understand! But getting 0.000582192 cents per view isn’t cutting it, and although we won’t beg, we will strongly encourage you to use the methods (Buy Me A Coffee, and/or Donorbox, currently) found all over the site. We would honestly like nothing better than to spend each day creating new content for you, so won’t you please help make our dream of perpetually sitting and typing become a reality? Thank you. –MG
After the 2020 election theft, Usurper-in-thief Joe Biden has done his best to damage our Republic. And thank God it is a Republic, because look at the complete mess that true minority party governments create. There is a long list, which will soon include, among other places, the recent elections in the United Kingdom (UK), aka Merely-Adequate Britain.
Or is it ‘Nearly-Adequate’…? It doesn’t really matter, it simply isn’t ‘Great’ anymore.
In the UK just under 60% of the people voted, which is 40% less than 100% for those who practice comm(unist)on core ‘math’, and with just 33.7% of the total votes cast, the Labour Party will now control 411 of the 650 seats in the House of Commons (or 63.231%) and the Prime Ministership.
THAT is a ‘democracy'[SIC], and no fucking thank you!
A one-third party controlling two-thirds of the government makes ZERO sense. In fact, it is quite an insane concept.
What makes less sense than that though, is those who have been calling Biden ‘president’ for the last 4 years. He is ‘resident’ at best. You do NOT steal the U.S. Presidency, you win it. He did NOT win it. democRATs invented brand-new ways of voting and used the communist-Chinese COVID virus to justify using them.
And what makes even less sense than that, is allowing the left to get away with attempting to kill Donald Trump.
To be VERY clear, we aren’t calling for violence! We are, however, accepting of the fact that the violence the left have long deserved is getting closer to becoming a reality for them.
We have suffered loss recently, and may again soon. That kept us from writing, but even before the events of yesterday, we were preparing to return. The site was renewed, and the country still needs saving, so…see you there!
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
NOTE: We post new content regularly, and have a Comment section here in the shed (below every article), so please use it and help build the Reality community. If you enjoy our work please consider supporting Reality by using the “DonorBox” donation link, or the ‘Buy Me a Coffee‘ donation link…or both. Either way please bookmark us and help spread the word to family and friends. Thank you.