"Genshin Memes on Instagram: “IT'S TIME FOR RETRIBUTION! u/Painus-Mc**us 🐏🥥Cocogoat🥥🐏 🍜 Check out my LinkTree for various interesting things! #animepage #genshin…”", by Genshin Memes (@genshinmemes) on Instagram.com, via pinterest.com. We don't do anime, except for Cowboy Bebop, but we knew upon seeing it that this would be our featured meme for this article.
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --
We touched on it ever so briefly HERE, but now is the time to adopt Carmelo Anthony’s method of playing basketball, namely pretend to play defense while putting on an offensive show for the ages. NOW is also the time to lay waste to the democRAT party, which isn’t democratic at all.
Figurative waste, not actual waste, although elected demoncrats all have homes, and sleep, eat, use the toilet, and take showers just as we do. They just think they are special.
‘3 Drinks Later – MAY THE DARK ONES RAIN RETRIBUTION UPON THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, AND THEIR PETTY BYLAWS’, by Jokes Joestar 👌ꙮ (Archivist & Pundit & Media Chauffeur), via knowyourmeme.com. THIS is how democRATs govern. We refuse to bend to their anti-reality views.
They are in fact and deed communists who, not content with stealing TWO (!!!) straight elections (2020, 2022), are now taking their election interference one step further and trying to prosecute President Donald J. Trump for things they do themselves every day and are never charged for. AND, they do worse too!
Why are they doing this? Because they are trying to prevent him from actually running in 2024, and since there was no legal way to do so, they have chosen their normal underhanded and criminal means to achieve their evil goals.
And as we pointed out in that link above, Republican Attorney Generals need to step up to the plate and commence indicting democRATs for their actual crimes, as blue AG’s continue to persecute Patriots, including Trump, for not committing crimes.
Quickly we will comment on a comment on that article, as we are not a straight news site and have never claimed to be. If you don’t like our tomfoolery or shenanigans, then there are plenty of places you can go to get bored. Or board
‘Super Troopers (5/5) Movie CLIP – Shenanigans (2001) HD’ — The ‘Broken Lizard’ comedy team at their finest. The recent sequel pales in comparison, but is still enjoyable. True story, group member Erik Stolhanske (aka Rabbit in those two movies, aka the guy in this scene with lipstick on his face) actually has just one leg. And he still does P90X! In fact, he is in the Plyometrics (aka jump training) video.
We refuse to get an ulcer over politics and will happily continue to give our opinions while pointing out connections nobody else notices, and have loads of fun doing it with wit and pop culture references. Our reward is the 42 people who ‘get it’ and over $2 a day in ad money.
I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS!! (Better off Dead) — We were never in this for the fame, or the money, but if we had to choose we’d take the money. Have you ever tried to spend fame?!
Back on topic, remember that a district attorney can famously ‘get a ham sandwich indicted’, as in a grand jury proceeding only the DA gets to present evidence.
YES, the person being accused has NO representation there at all! MSM urinalists will never tell you that as it doesn’t fit their agenda.
‘Is it too late to elect Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho? At least he liked guns and mean tweets….’, “TURNS OUT, IT DIDN’T TAKE ANOTHER 500 YEARS BEFORE WE GOT; PRESIDENT ‘NOT SURE’.”, by anonymous, via imgflip.com. We’ve stated before, Idiocracy is a documentary.
The path forward for America and the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement will now wind its way through alt-far-left-communist-democRAT New York city and state court rooms, as globalists attempt to interfere in the November 2024 election by starting in late-March 2023.
Why put off risky schemes until tomorrow when you can collude on them today, right Dems? You and your communist Chinese and globalist European partners have stolen MANY elections all over the world now, the latest being recently in Brazil.
“Joe, Nancy, and Chuck have been in Congress for over 50 Years. Yet it is all Trump’s Fault.”, ‘ PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS BEEN IN POLITICS FOR THREE YEARS AND WILL BE RUNNING ON HIS MANY ACCOMPLISHMENTS; JOE BIDEN HAS BEEN IN POLITICS FOR 40 YEARS AND VP FOR 8 YEARS. HE HAS TO RUN ON WHAT HE WOULD LIKE TO ACCOMPLISH. SEE THE DIFFERENCE?’, by Perspicacity, via imgflip.com. Nothing has changed from 2020, and Joe will now have 4 more years of ZERO positive accomplishments to run on. Also, he is still Usurper in Thief, aka ‘Resident’ Biden.
Meanwhile, we are told to completely ignore Hunter Biden making ‘just’ $83,000 a month at a job he 1) wasn’t qualified for (no expertise in the industry AND doesn’t speak Ukrainian OR Russian OR Chinese), and 2) never showed up to do, while at the same time paying his dad Joe Biden $50,000 a month to rent a home (where classified documents were stored in a garage).
‘eye for an eye’, “‘IF WE DO AN EYE FOR AN EYE AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH, WE WILL BE A BLIND AND TOOTHLESS NATION.’ MARTIN LUTHER KING JR”, by DebRogers, via imgflip.com. ANYONE can be wrong, and after saying this, MLKjr was assassinated (on April 4, 1968).
And by the way, $83K a month is $996,000 a year…so basically $1,000,000 (aka a million).
When that all broke it was like the MSM suddenly didn’t know how to multiply.
So $600,000 of that roughly one million dollars was FUNNELED through Hunter to Joe. That is a crime, as they were pre-paying him for the damage he does now after stealing office, which they helped him do.
‘Cool Jesus’, “brace yourself – divine retribution”, by unknown, via Meme Generator at makeameme.org. We love the smell of divine retribution in the morning. It is almost here!
Indicting Trump basically just got him re-elected in 2024. Donald is ‘gangsta’ now. But we have to make sure by volunteering to work at the next election and, prior to that, register Conservatives to vote in it.
Make no mistake, the demonic, insidious and evil left chose this time (Holy week) to make their push against President Trump.
‘Jesus Christ at the market’ — Contrary to popular belief, including the left throwing it in our faces whenever it suits them, Jesus was NOT a hippy. Here he is ‘turning the other cheek’…
We will likely write again before Sunday, but will take this opportunity to proclaim: Hallelujah! He is risen, brothers and sisters in Christ. Happy Easter, and may God Bless each and every one of you. Take care, meow!
‘Super Troopers (2/5) Movie CLIP – The Cat Game (2001) HD’ — He is supposed to say it 10 times. If you count carefully, as we have done every time we see this clip, he says the 10th one before turning to leave, making that last one number 11 (despite the other officer indicating that was needed to reach 10).
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
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