'Money For Nothing And 40 Virgins For Free', image from Dire Straits' music video for "Money for Nothing", with red words of truth by us. Other kids today are surprised to find out that back in 1985 MTV was still playing actual music videos rather than horrible so-called 'reality shows'[SIC]. Trust us, WE know reality, and their shows are NOT it! Reality can't be tied up in a neat little bow after 30-60 minutes, especially not while erect. That's what she said. Does anyone read these captions? They should, as some of the best material ends up in them.
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --
Just as when they attempt to pin the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and other democRATs or RINOs (Republicans IN NAME ONLY) on President Donald Trump, there is now a concerted effort on behalf of some leftists to claim that certain behavior is done by ‘both sides’.
It doesn’t matter what the two sides are, they claim, because they always do the same thing…so there.
One example is Bill O’Reilly, who is currently on the streaming channel ‘The First’, and who we stopped listening to before he was cut loose in April of 2017 by Faux Snewz (formerly Fox News Channel, before they assisted the 2020 election theft). As a point of reference, Roger Ailes resigned from FNC in July of 2016.
After happening to catch Bill for a few minutes recently, we firmly believe we made the right choice back then.
For a guy who claims to be a middle of the road populist (news flash, he is NOT, and has long favored open borders and baby murder as proof), Bill sure spends a lot of time throwing around the term “far right”. He even lumped Matt Gaetz into that group.
And to Bill’s fellow leftists over on reddit: those charges you keep throwing at Matt were investigated by law enforcement and he was NOT charged. But the guy, Stephen Alford (now 64), who was attempting to extort Matt and his family over those ‘sex-crimes’ accusations WAS indicted by a grand jury over 2 years ago now for his own actions! The Reddit and O’Reilly jerklecirc are busy in a closet somewhere right now.
‘Dire Straits – Money For Nothing (Official Music Video)’, “The Official Music Video. Taken from Dire Straits – Brothers in Arms.”, [from genius.com: “The music video for the song was one of the first examples of CGI human characters. It won Video of the Year at the 1986 MTV Video Awards, one of the few prizes it managed to take from a-ha’s “Take on Me”, by the same director.”]. — Released in 1985, this is the song that this article title alludes to (and spoofs). The song is solid, and the animation (despite being state of the art at the time) has a nice retro feel to it now. We recommend turning your device volume WAY up before clicking play.
So no, both sides do NOT ‘do it’, and there will never be middle ground to find with the communists who profit on the death of others, be those dead babies or recipients of ‘the vaxx‘. Being afraid to insult the left is just plain ignorant, and they must be confronted and stopped.
That brings us to the mess in Israel, which was minding it’s own business the other day when suddenly many there were dead, including MANY babies who had their throats cut.
Terror doesn’t fund itself, so briefly we will go back to September 11, 2023, when ‘Resident’ Joe of the Biden Usurpation released $6 BILLION on what just so happened to be the 22nd anniversary of the largest terror attack on United States soil…at least until the stolen elections (House, Senate and Presidency) of November 3, 2020.
Just to name two that we watched happen that night, John James for U.S. Senate in Michigan, and Donald Trump for President were both WAY ahead when suddenly the counting stopped, and when it resumed much MUCH later they were both magically WAY behind. That can only happen if 1) virtually every vote from then on went to the democRATs, or 2) fraud was committed.
Having worked in elections, and watched the returns of other elections, it was 100% option #2. Bank on it!
‘Lester Holt Reports On The Six Billion Dollar Iran Deal’, by EyewitlessNews, via imgflip.com. When leftist urinalist Holt asked the iranian islamic extremist answered honestly, saying it is there money and they will do with it as they like.
Back to Biden, the occupier in thief and his colluders are claiming that the $6 BILLION wasn’t ransom money for the 5 American hostages that Iran agreed to release (at the cost of $1.2 BILLION each!!!), AND they are also claiming that those funds are still in Qatar in restricted accounts AND that the money can only be used for “humanitarian” things like medicine.
Sounds great, right? What a relief! Who disagrees? Iran. They say it is their money and they will spend it on whatever they want to.
Why? Because money is almost always 100% fungible (“replaceable by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.”), meaning that they will just move money around and still fund terror and their nuclear ambitions. THAT is what the $6 BILLION will be spent on!
To put that money in perspective, LeBron James is about to play his 21st season in the NBA, and including this upcoming season’s salary, he (the all-time total points scored leader and massive jackhole) will have made approximately $480 MILLION just in salary over that time.
That doesn’t include his endorsement and investment deals. It should also be noted that since joining the Los Angeles Lakers 5 seasons ago he has never played a full game schedule and is averaging just 55.6 games a year over that span.
Rule one in negotiating with terrorists, which includes Iran, is that you don’t negotiate with terrorists. Biden didn’t even get a good deal, as we could have gotten approximately 52.5 years out of LeBron for that same $1.2 BILLION, or 262.5 years for that $6 BILLION!
‘6 Billion Dollars.’, “XI JINPING: THANKS FOR LEAVING THE WEAPONS IN AFGHANISTAN, I AM GOING TO SELL THEM TO IRAN. JOE BIDEN: NO PROBLEM, I’LL SEND THEM 6 BILLION DOLLARS TO PAY FOR THEM!”, by EagleEye747, via imgflip.com. Somebody had to fill that power vaccum that we created when leaving Afghanistan. More on that in the next article!
Returning to terror…because according to MSM that is what sells commercial time…not even a month later, on October 9, 2023, the terrorist group Hamas (which has lorded itself over the so-called ‘palestinian people’ since 1987, and traces its roots back to the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’), has been busy.
Babies won’t kill themselves, which is where Hamas and ‘Planned Parenthood'[SIC] come in.
Our normal disclaimer: We in the shed don’t hate anyone, except for communists and the communist adjacent (which includes the repressive political system disguised as a religion called islam, much as leftism is a religion disguised as a repressive political system).
The alt-far-left-globalists have long had a love affair with islam and universally support muslims. You can’t even talk about muslims today without being attacked. They have the best ‘plot armor’ ever!
‘Just Say “NO” To Joe Biden’, “Just Say”, by EyewitlessNews, via imgflip.com. We can say no all we want to, but democRATs and RINOs will still try and steal the 2024 election, just as they already stole the entire 2020 election and enough of the 2022 election to keep themselves safe.
Leftists even actively import muslims into the West, which is ‘hijrah’ (jihad by immigration). That is where muslims move to an area and live peacefully UNTIL they get to a certain demographic percentage and THEN they start making demands (insisting that you change to suit them). If you don’t, violence follows (see grenade attacks and no-go zones in Swedenistan and France-istan).
They also aren’t even a race (and neither are ‘refugees’ or ‘migrants’), but boy will you be called a racist if you don’t kowtow to the ‘religion of peace'[SIC]. More like religion of pieces…of you here, and pieces of you WAY over there!
Fun fact: Just 1413 years ago, the Middle East used to be ZERO percent muslim!
Also of note is that nobody has ever explained where those 40 virgins for EVERY dead terrorist come from. It is a mystery. And if the terrorist is a woman, or even a gay man (yes, muslims can be ‘the gay’ too), do they get a male virgin?
“As a #gay #Muslim I believe that it’s time to #EndLGBTracism via inaccurate #religious indoctrination #Islam #NoH8”, by Omar Kuddus @OmarKuddus, via twitter.com. In the middle east, muslims throw guys like this off of buildings just to see if they can fly…so this picture had to have been taken somewhere in the West.
SO many questions… Maybe there is a ’40 virgins’ factory somewhere, cranking them out 24/7/365.
“[Verse 2] See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup? Yeah buddy, that’s his own hair That little faggot got his own jet airplane That little faggot, he’s a millionaire” — from ‘Money for Nothing’ by Dire Straits, Track 2 on ‘Brothers in Arms’, Produced by Mark Knopfler & Neil Dorfsman. Lyrics found at genius.com. Billionaire actually…thanks Joe!
As of our last check, the death toll in Israel stands at more than 1200, and some terrorist supporters on the other side are also dead. The left equates them, just as they include mass murderers in the death toll for shootings (almost always committed by other leftists) in the West.
‘Smilin Biden’, “When people say there’s nothing to show for the billions of dollars I’ve handed out; I say look at the bodies of dead Israelis being dragged through the streets!”, by bbbadboy, via imgflip.com. They. Are. Beheading. Babies. YOU built that Joe!
If we ever want to truly solve the ‘middle east’ problem, we first need to acknowledge that it is 100% the fault of the British, who drew the ridiculous lines there and played musical countries with the various people (entire groups being moved around) since 1798.
As much as leftists like to rub our noses in things (such as ‘the vaxx’ being available mere months after ‘the covid‘ was released, despite true vaccines taking 10 years on average to develop, if we even can), the tricky left also sometimes enjoy hiding their intentions too.
Just remember that everything is connected, even if you can’t see the connections. No, especially if you can’t see the connections!
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
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