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Politics2 years ago

Vindication THEN Retribution!, Help President Trump Confront Alt-Far-Left-Communist-democRAT Election Interference!

Tech2 years ago

Just Why Do We Need So Much Insurance Anyway?, Reality Shed Explores The Age Old Question Of Benefit Versus Risk

Tech2 years ago

The People Have Spoken, Reality Shed Officially Announces Site Commentary Format Change From Political To Insurance

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Like A Bad Neighbor ‘Great Harm’ Don’t Care!, Pro-Trans Leftist Insurance Company Partially Denies First Ever Claim

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Pork Away Pal!, Usurper Poop Francis Calls 900 Year Ban On Priests Having Sex ‘Temporary’ And Vows To Review Policy

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Collusion Of Communists, antifa Domestic Terrorist Tom Jurgens Is SPLC (southern poverty law center, [SIC]) Lawyer

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One Down And All Others To Go, Maryland democRAT Mayor Charged With Child Pornography Resigns 24 Hours After Arrest

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Commit Your Crimes At Night, Attorney General Alerts Leftist Thugs To Restrict Doing Their Damage Until After Dark

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DeSantis Takes STD From Groomers, Florida Governor Ron Signs Bill Removing Disney’s ‘Special Tax District’ Into Law

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No Team For You! Come Back No Year!, Owner Daniel Snyder Removes Washington Redskins From Jeff Bezos’ Shopping Cart




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