Everything old is new again. President Donald John Trump, aka ’45’, aka the leading cause of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), who, despite his flaws (one of...
“I believe the children are our futureTeach them well and let them lead the way.Show them all the beauty they possess insideGive them a sense of...
Okay, they are ILLEGAL ALIEN youth. Migrant was in quotes and meant mockingly. And we can hear you now, “Hey, didn’t you just talk about pedophiles?”...
Like everything else the alt-far-left does they claim WE are doing it and call their own actions the opposite of what they truly are. They are...
We have said it before and will keep saying it until enough people rise up against this, the shed welcomes immigrants but if the ILLEGAL ALIENS...
With all due respect to Professor Chaos for paraphrasing him, he now has some serious competition as alleged ‘doctor and scientist’ Anthony Fauci has announced his...
It first broke as news when President Trump himself announced a RAID was taking place around 7pm EST on Monday, August, 8, 2022, but we later...