With all due respect to Professor Chaos for paraphrasing him, he now has some serious competition as alleged ‘doctor and scientist’ Anthony Fauci has announced his...
“I believe the children are our futureTeach them well and let them lead the way.Show them all the beauty they possess insideGive them a sense of...
As of January 28, 2023, in communist China, the cost of a dozen large eggs was $2.07. The same thing costs $1.87 in communist Cuba, and...
THIS was “Russian collusion”. THIS was doing Putin’s bidding. THIS will also endanger Americans going forward as Viktor Bout was convicted 11 years ago of selling...
Every individual has the right to make decisions for themselves, and we in the Shed are pro choice*…which has NOTHING to do with abortion (as the...
Not to be outdone by Mike Pence revealing that he was a traitor to the Republican Party, Conservatism, Make America Great Again (MAGA), the United States...
Okay, they are ILLEGAL ALIEN youth. Migrant was in quotes and meant mockingly. And we can hear you now, “Hey, didn’t you just talk about pedophiles?”...
For those who pay attention, the article we hinted would be next has taken on a life of its own and we needed a break from...
Yes, we went there. Of course, we had the balls…unlike that deer. To be clear right from the start, Ann Coulter has every right to speak...
We would normally be sympathetic to a parent (even a democRAT) losing a child, but in this case, Sean Casten (IL 6th, D is for Damned)...