
There You Go Again, democRATs Will Attempt 2022 Election Theft Because They Are Recidivists Like Criminals They Love



"Clean your own house, then we can talk; THAT FACE WHEN A DEMOCRAT COMPLAINS ABOUT TRUMP NOT FOLLOWING THE LAW.", by BurntFingerForge, via imgflip.com
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --

We here in the shed are long-time political junkies. We enjoy staying up late into the night and early into the next morning to watch election returns and scan around the interwebs for information to help us determine outcomes even before the lamestream media reports the results. Election night is OUR bi-annual Super Bowl or Wrestlemania.

We have also worked elections in our state, and recommend the experience to anyone interested in politics or just in ensuring fair elections. We have only ever turned away ONE person from voting. They didn’t throw a fit, and later returned with a non-expired ID and voted. A list of 65 times a valid photo-ID is required and isn’t considered racist can be found HERE.

Our belief is that in-person, on paper, state-issued photo ID, and signature matched (ask a democRAT why the Board of Elections keeps signatures on file if not to match them and watch as their eyes glaze over) is the preferred method, but that absentee voting (which requires a request, proof of ID and chain of custody for ballot) is acceptable.

What isn’t acceptable is the 2020 invention ‘mail-in voting’, which is NOT the same thing and requires no request, proof of ID or chain of custody and can be dropped off in boxes that some leftists say can’t legally be monitored. And fuck them. Monitor away! It isn’t illegal to record video in a public area. Don’t want to be on video? Don’t be in a public area.

“DemocRat criminals; IF WE AIN’T CHEATING; WE AIN’T WINNING”, by unknown, via imgflip.com

In 2016 we watched leftstream media refuse to call Pennsylvania for Donald Trump for over 90 minutes, even while the left-wing New York Times (which has the best election count information we’ve ever seen) was showing WAY fewer votes left to count than Trump was leading election denier Hillary Clinton by.

Fox News Channel finally broke and declared PA for Trump and within minutes they all had. What that told us was they tried and tried to steal it, and when they couldn’t manage to manufacture ballots or flip enough votes, they gave up.

That all said we have NEVER seen what we witnessed in 2020, and can say without a doubt and with 100% confidence that the entire election (House, Senate and Presidency) at the national level (we can’t attest for local and state offices and issues) was stolen by the existential threat America faces today, namely alt-far-left-communist-democRAT-groomer-extremist-grifter-indoctrinating-gaslighting-Alinskyite-globalist-stochastic-terrorist-hate-speecher-election-stealing-gun-grabbing-sun-deniers.

“A gun in the hands of a criminal is usually a Democrat”, by Eeik5150, via imgflip.com

In addition to stealing the Presidency from Donald Trump, the only man who seems to want to stop the human trafficking of the left, they stole the Michigan U.S. Senate seat from veteran John James (he and Trump were WAY ahead when Michigan and other states, in a coordinated manner, all stopped counting at once and when they resumed hours or days later they had both ‘lost’).

The left also, along with help from RINOs Brian Kemp (Governor) and Brad Raffensperger (Secretary of State)…may they both burn in hell, stole BOTH Georgia U.S. Senate seats on November 3, 2020 (by forcing them both into a run-off) AND January 5, 2021 when the runoffs took place, just one day before the Fedsurrection when traitor Mike Pence betrayed President Trump, MAGA, America, and his oath to the Constitution.

We explained in the article link in the paragraph above how Pence’s role was NOT ceremonial as the left claims. And his actions directly led to the Bidenflation and illegal alien invasion we all face today. Yes, hell has a spot for his RINO (republican IN NAME ONLY) ass too.

“Democrats release criminals…”, by unknown, via makeameme.org

They had softened us up with ‘the covid’ and BLM / ANTIFA riots throughout 2020 first, along with freeing convicted criminals from prison while they locked up all down in the prisons of our own homes and denied our children education and forced masks and then shots on us (the later by threatening our livelihoods).

In addition to stealing the Presidency from Donald Trump, the only man who seems to want to stop the human trafficking of the left, they stole the Michigan U.S. Senate seat from veteran John James (he and Trump were WAY ahead when Michigan and other states, in a coordinated manner, all stopped counting at once and when they resumed hours or days later they had both ‘lost’).


A lot of people really are in the democRAT party simply because they are lazy fucks and want as much free stuff as they can possibly get. And of course, democRATs (AKA election theft deniers) themselves will do or say anything to get elected, because without power for them over us, they are nothing and their lives meaningless. They are the ultimate users…giant human-shaped leeches.

It is late in the game, but depending on your state, there may still be time to volunteer to work the 2022 election as an observer / judge / monitor or whatever it is called in your area. Please contact your local GOP and they will help get that arranged. And if you do get in, please know that at no time are they allowed to kick you out of the process. If that happens, call the police or sheriff’s office (non-911 number; don’t get in trouble that way) and record video on your phone. Good luck to us all.

Reagan-Carter Oct. 28, 1980 Debate – “There You Go Again”

“”There you go again” was a phrase spoken during the second presidential debate of 1980 by Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan to his Democratic opponent, incumbent President Jimmy Carter. Reagan would use the line in a few debates over the years, always in a way intended to disarm his opponent.”–wikipedia (AKA Michael Scott’s favorite source).

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