
Heading Into Sudden Death, Now #1 Cause of ‘Sudden Death By Unknown Cause’ Surpassing Sudden Death AND Sudden Death



"Playing dead is important work in early childhood.", by Heather Shumaker via Dying suddenly used to be a kids game.
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Take that again Search Engines! Yesterday, Saturday August 27, 2022, the Miami Dolphins senior vice president of communications and community affairs, Jason Jenkins, a perfectly healthy 47 year old black man, died from a “medical emergency”. And everyone is acting like this is a perfectly normal thing, just as they did for the tens of thousands of others worldwide since Covid shots were introduced. We’ve wanted to discuss ‘sudden death’ but needed an in and this is it. If the alt-far-left were ever going to care about the subject, then THIS is their poster boy for doing so. We will see if they outrage at all, but we doubt it.

We’ve also been waiting for twitter, which is obviously shadow banning us, to outright ban us. We’ve never been kicked off but have had two prior (personal) accounts. The first one saw Donald Trump quote tweet us after the first Republican presidential debate on August 6, 2015 (he never retweeted, always the quote tweet) when MeAgain Kelly (then at Fox News) attacked him, but he actually quote tweeted someone who quote tweeted us without adding a word(!!), so we didn’t get ‘the rub’ we should have and deleted (see below) that account when months later we could never get past 3000 followers and our interactions didn’t match the reports twitter provides (those showed ZERO, while a visual inspection of retweets, likes and comments showed we did have some).

“”The Greatest Game Ever Played” This Day in NFL History On this day in NFL history, December 28, 1958, “The Greatest Game Ever Played”- Alan Ameche’s 1-yard plunge gives the Baltimore Colts a 23-17 NFL Championship victory against the New York Giants in “sudden death” overtime.” by NFL via Long before the NFL became communist and pussified. THIS is what sudden death should mean!

Long story short, the 2nd account ended the same way, but the Trump interaction was not direct. We saw a hateful disinformation tweet from director/producer/writer Judd Apatow directed at Trump and quoted it verbatim except for changing Trump’s name to Apatow’s (we Rules For Radicals’ed him). Guess what twitter did? They locked us out of our account and told us that to get back in we had to delete that tweet. We waited a few days then deleted that tweet and ALL prior tweets and our again roughly 3000 followers (by app first, then by hand to get the rest) then deleted (NOT their preferred ‘disable’) account. As far as we know Apatow’s hate tweet is still up.

We only got this 3rd account, 3+ years later, to promote this site. We had 3 followers and are down to 1 (we greatly appreciate you Lettuce AI @J24DayLettuce). We are also on Gab and Gettr, so losing this twitter account wouldn’t really hurt us and it would actually be a badge of honor for “speaking truth to power”. Something the NFL and “black community” and other normal Americans seem terrified of doing. The so-called Covid vaccines do nothing to stop Covid and instead are meant to destroy your natural immune system, which studies show they do at a rate of 3-6% per month and it never EVER comes back. The goal is to make you dependent on Big Pharma shots to survive, which they are going to charge you for (just as the Covid ‘vaccines’ are no longer going to be free).

Dolphins senior vice president of communications and community affairs Jason Jenkins speaks during a news conference in Miami Gardens at Lorna’s Caribbean & American Grill on Feb. 22, 2021. from NFL and Miami Dolphins, by Amy Beth Bennett South Florida, via

If you were tricked into taking those shots, we are sorry, and you can’t get that out of your body…EVER. If you are pureblood stay that way! As for the NFL, we’ll never watch it again, but we are sorry to hear that Mr. Jenkins died. We’ll never know if he took the shots, but he took the shots. We also doubt he will be the impetus for NFL and others to finally stand up and do the right thing though, just as the many other athletes (some professionals) who experienced Sudden Death were not. Notice too that illegal aliens are still not tested or vaxxed by the Biden Usurpation for Covid. They want their replacement stock to be healthy.

You can find us on social media here:

Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023.
Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.

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