'pot, kettle, black', by unknown, via Times Radio on youtube.com. "‘Defeated Russia’ resorts to ‘information terrorism’, says Ukrainian soldier", from April 13, 2023, this was accusing Russia of doing exactly what 'the trans' was doing for Ukraine. Red words of truth by us.
Spread the reality, RealityShed.Com --
The outright worship of Ukraine by the globalist left is beyond absurd and needs to be treated as the lunacy that it is. They claim that if you don’t sacrifice for Ukraine, and fund Ukraine, and even die for Ukraine, then you are ‘muh pro-Russian’.
democRATs and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only, so basically democRATs) insist that we choose between Ukraine (#4 most corrupt country on Earth) and Russia (#7 most corrupt).
Our standard disclaimer here: we won’t be tricked into accepting that those are the only options. We don’t have to support Ukraine OR Russia! Both countries suck and we have prior commented on Russian President Vladimir Putin and his evil ways.
‘2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine – Western media before February of 2022 on Ukraine (Ukraine is full of Nazis), Western Media after February of 2022: slava ukraini’, by SteelWolf, via knowyourmeme.com. MSM are hypocrites, they hated Ukraine and now love it, just as they loved Donald Trump…right up until he announced on June 16, 2015, that he was running for President as a Republican. The left only like people they can use. The Soviet communists used to refer to those people as “useful idiots”.
We instead choose option #3; America for Americans, and American money for American problems!
We want the United States as it was before the Biden Usurpation by election fraudster and ‘Resident in Thief’ Joe, and all members of the Biden Crime Family and their enablers AND colluders imprisoned while awaiting their executions for their crimes against the people of the USA.
The left have also long FALSELY accused Nazis (national socialists) of being on the Right, but ALL socialists are on the left, with communists being ‘global socialists’. The only difference between the two groups is scope.
No, not the mouthwash brand.
‘actual picture before Photoshop’, by some Ukrainian Nazi, via online. We have seen memes where the left claims the Nazi flag is Photoshopped in. We found proof that in the prior meme the 3rd picture up from the bottom in the 2nd column from the right WAS actually modified in the widely distributed version of that picture, yet they admit that the Nazi salutes (guy in brown shirt on left of middle row, and middle guy of 7 on bottom row) in the same picture are real. As seen here, the original flag was the ‘Donetsk Peoples Republic’ double-headed eagle flag. The guy to the left of brown-shirt is either face-palming, trying to hide his face, or both.
The political spectrum IS a line, but there is NO such thing as the “far right” [SIC] or “alt far right” [SIC], there are only normal people (us) and the staunch-alt-far-left-communist-democRAT-groomer-extremist-grifter-indoctrinating-gaslighting-Alinskyite-fringe-election-theft-denying-globalist-stochastic-terrorist-hate-speecher-election-stealing-gun-grabbing-sun-deniers who are the existential threat that America and the West faces today.
Prior to World War II, German communists and German Nazis fought each other for control of that country. There was never a chance for a positive outcome, as if the commies had won they would have aligned with the Russian ‘Soviet Union’ (USSR) in their quest to take over the world. Instead it was Hitler doing the same thing.
‘In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia’, by anon44012888, via forum.e-liquid-recipes.com. Another example of MSM hypocrisy, this article is real and from theguardian.com HERE. The meme description at that site reads, “Today, if you know, you know that the Ukraine has a history of Nazism and despite our wonderful sources of News. They fail to mention that, however, in 2014 they told a different story: [this meme]. There’s more examples, but I’d urge you to search for yourself before cheering for this so called, “Democracy” that they want us to cheer for as the people pulling the strings are very much against this.”.
For the left, politics is a means to an end, and that end is power and control for them over you. They even promote baby murder as freedom for slut women (and reckless men).
Why? They despise the basis of Western civilization, which is the traditional family unit of a husband, wife and children that aren’t dead or medically mutilated.
Western leftists also now push what they refer to as “public-private partnerships” (PPPs).
‘billboard’, made by unknown from northiowateaparty.com, then posted by some communist on quora.com while they claimed that democRATs are not both communists and Nazis.
“Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are a mechanism for government to procure and implement public infrastructure and/or services using the resources and expertise of the private sector.” –from ‘About PPPLRC and PPPs’ on ppp.worldbank.org, AND…
“Public-private partnerships involve collaboration between a government agency and a private-sector company that can be used to finance, build, and operate projects, such as public transportation networks, parks, and convention centers.” –from ‘Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Definition, How They Work, and Examples’ on investopedia.com.
Sounds great, until you actually understand what they are really calling for. It is another phrase that they falsely accuse the Right of engaging in.
“Smoke Screen”, ‘CALLING PEOPLE YOU DON’T KNOW “RACIST” AND “NAZIS”; TO COVER FOR REAL NAZIS AND THEIR EVIL SHIT💩’, by Zalix512, via imgflip.com. Alinskyites always accuse us of their own crimes.
“There is actually another, more accurate term for public-private partnerships. It’s called fascism; plain and simple. Private business may act as an administrator but the state still pulls the reigns. From a political perspective, public-private partnerships are quite ingenious. Politicians remain in control while convincing voters they believe in the efficiency of a robust private sector. And when issues arise over the performance of a service, whatever private firm granted the monopolistic privilege of delivery can be treated like a scapegoat despite having to operate within government established guidelines. The state escapes criticism as the public ignorantly clamors for more protection from those evil hearted businessmen. To the ruling establishment, public-private partnerships are “heads I win, tails you lose.”” –from ‘Public-Private Partnership: A New Kind of Fascism?’ on advisoranalyst.com.
So, with all of that in mind (because we know you are capable of thinking in broad strokes), over the last few days the left felt comfortable enough to do some really objectionable things. Three of them actually.
“Funny How It’s Almost a Crime to be a Nazi in the US, But Not in Ukraine.”, by RogueNation, via imgflip.com. Nothing new here, as the left always try to hide what they are. The left also claim that muslims have it better in Ukraine since Russia left, but Nazis have a LONG history of working with muslims so that isn’t a surprise.
Up in Canuckia, Justin Pierre James Trudeau [Castro], the Prime Minister of Canada (since 2015, after taking control of the Liberal Party of Canada in 2013), held an event for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky before the Canadian Parliament.
During that, Anthony Rota (the Speaker of the House of Commons) led a standing ovation for Yaroslav Hunka, who was described as a “veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98”.
‘no longer wanting to punch Nazis’, by unknown, via propaganda.mediaeducationlab.com. He is SO proud of that tattoo that he got it on his back so that only his boyfriends could see it…
Again, sounds okay, but in actuality Hunka was in the ‘First Ukrainian Division’, which was also known as the ’14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS’, (the SS, or ‘Schutzstaffel’, being the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party). Then his sociopathic Nazi ass immigrated to Canada.
Then later, according to published reports, Zelensky asked Marina Abramović (born in Serbia when it was part of the former Yugoslavia, but who now resides in New York), to become an “ambassador of [or for; reports vary] Ukraine”.
‘Just Be Assured That if You Support Ukraine Then You Are Supporting Nazis Too. Enjoy Your Endless Hypocrisy, SJW Scum!’, by ASaneZoomer, via imgflip.com. Brainwash, gaslight, influence, propagandize, indoctrinate…whatever you prefer to refer to it as, the MSM is working overtime doing it for their democRAT tag-team partners.
Marina is famous for her connection to Bill and Hillary Clinton via their longtime stooge, Tony Podesta. Her specialty is the satanic activity known as ‘spirit cooking’, at least one ‘recipe’ of which calls for the mixing of sperm and breast milk, while others involve blood. SMH…and yuck!
As for Zelensky, people claim that since he is Jewish he can’t be a Nazi, but they also deny that George Soros (who is also allegedly Jewish) was/is a Nazi, despite him being a proven Nazi from when he was a Nazi working with World War II German Nazis doing Nazi stuff!
‘Meet the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion’, by RogueNation, via imgflip.com. Azov Battalion ARE actually real genuine 100% Nazis, and now a lot of those kids have been dispersed to other countries as so-called ‘refugees'[SIC], when they are actually ‘Evelyn Salt’-style sleeper agents…just like the Vindman twins, who helped democRATs impeach President Trump.
That is the same Zelensky who is currently preventing Christians from worshiping and who also extended martial law in Ukraine (preventing the scheduled Presidential election there from happening) in an attempt to remain in power…because Western money won’t launder itself.
We will see if Biden tries to follow suit election-wise, as even leftist-urinalist polls show Trump trouncing not only the 2024 RINO Primary field, but also Joe himself in the General election.
‘THOSE WHO FORGET HISTORY; ARE DESTINED TO REPEAT IT’, by anonymous, via imgflip.com. Great comment there replying to criticism of the meme said “First off, this is exactly what media mind control does, it has clouded your mind. NSDAP; National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazi Party. They were in favor of gun control, they knew (just like Democrats) that it would be impossible to take away all of the guns, so they made it more difficult by stricter gun laws, and control of ammunition. Guns are worthless without bullets. Censorship is just that. Anyone who tries to speak up against Democrats or the nazi party was censored. They controlled media outlets. MSM is left leaning propaganda just like back then. Very seldom can you even find a neutral media source. Even google is left wing. It doesnt say abortion is mandatory. Its implying they’re pro abortion. Omar and Tlaib both have anti-semitism views and cal rep harris and pelosi defended them. And any Democrat or liberal is going to blindly follow democratic government officials thus “worshipping the government”. So how is this false?” They meant Senator Harris, but otherwise well said!
Meanwhile, at home in the good ole USA, two elected officials from Nevada, Dina Titus of the U.S. House of Representative, and Catherine Cortez Masto of the U.S. Senate, both gave ‘certificates of recognition’ to a DNA-denying freak who threatens people.
That would be John-Michael Cirillo (46; born in 1977, somewhere in northern Florida, although HE has also claimed to be from New York with family living in the Bronx). HE is currently cosplaying as ‘Sarah Ashton-Cirillo’ [SIC], who is ‘the trans’ and spokesMAN for the Ukrainian military, which again are actual Nazis.
‘Democrats are Nazis apparently’, by u/SocraticTiger on r/ForwardsFromKlandma, via reddit.com. The left consider ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘1984’ blueprints, not warnings. THEY are what Eric Arthur Blair (AKA George Orwell) was predicting would happen!
One more time, just so we are clear…frak Russia too. There is no saint here, and the USA shouldn’t be involved. We have our own border to worry about, as we have been in a constant case of invasion since Biden stole office on January 20, 2021, at noon.
Ukraine helped democRATs impeach President Donald Trump, and helped them launder billions in ‘the covid’ money that vanished mysteriously, AND also assisted in the 2020 election theft (White House, Senate and House).
‘Dems have a Nazi attitude.’, by @AmericanHoodE (AmericanSanityMagazine), via twitter.com. During the 2020 election the so-called ‘Bernie Bros.’ were openly calling for Conservatives to be rounded up and put into re-education camps. Other leftists never denounced that.
The only real surprise after the alt-far-left were emboldened by their successful election theft of 2020 and (to a lesser extent) 2022, is how far they are willing to push us towards their ‘ultimate solution’ (communism) and the extent to which many good Americans are willing to completely ignore that happening.
They act almost as if it doesn’t and can’t ever affect their lives. Boy will they be in for a shock when the cattle-cars begin running. Jewish people in October 1938 Germany sure were!
None of this behavior from the left is normal, no matter how much MSM urinalists claim otherwise. One thing is for certain, we did ‘not see’ any of this coming.
UPDATE, 09/26/2023 7:04pm…Anthony Rota threw himself under the bus and resigned as Canadian House Speaker to protect Fidel’s illegitimate son, Justin Trudeau.
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
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