'Bring out yer dead...for elections', combination of 'Bring out yer dead!' template, by anonymous, from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975 EMI Films; Eric Idle pictured) -AND- '2020 election', by unknown (deleted account), both via imgflip.com. Second meme was modified by us to add the next 8 elections after 2020, then merge and resize by us as well.
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Well, most of us survived Vote-pocolypse 2022. In addition to more cheating (see next article for that) and dead democRATs voting (we call them ‘ghost voters‘), again, they also managed to get AT LEAST two dead democRATs re-elected, at least that we have discovered so far.
Tennessee State Representative Barbara Cooper (D is for deceased, as she “unexpectedly died” in October at age 93…NINETY-THREE and MSM actually used that phrase), managed to defeat Michael Porter (I is for I don’t know why Independents can’t get off the fence and pick a side) by a margin of 7999 to 2942 (out of 10941 total votes cast, so 73%-27%, as obviously no Republican ran) for the House District 86 seat that she held since being elected in 1996 (26 years).
‘democrat voters’, by @1776stonewall, UL from politicalsanity, via imgflip.com. The only recent ‘first Tuesday in November’ that was a 7th was in 2017, but it is otherwise still a decent meme.
The Election Commission of Shelby County, Tennessee, stated that Cooper remained on the ballot due to state law, which is of course legally accurate. However, it is still sad to see people vote for a dead person, although the reasoning is that if they win it forces a special election (in this case) or an appointment by a like-minded official in other cases (say a state’s governor replacing a U.S. Senator, which some states allow for even if almost the entire current term remains).
‘The Walking Dead On Their Way To The Polls’, by BirdOPrey5, via imgur.com
Republican Tennessee Governor Bill Lee will issue a ‘Writ of Election’ which will trigger a Special Election to fill that seat. He had to wait until the election was over because Cooper’s opponent could have won and it wouldn’t have been necessary.
Not to be outdone, Pennsylvania State Representative Anthony ‘Tony’ DeLuca (D is for departed, as he also died in October, although earlier and was MUCH younger…at just 85), turned back Zarah Livingston of the Green* Party by a margin of 21244 to 3490 (out of 24734 total votes cast, so 86%-14%, and again no Republican ran).
‘Democratic constituent heads to the poll…again.’, by Mr.Jingles, via imgflip.com
Tony had run for a mayor position in 1979 and lost, then also lost a special election to finish the State House seat term vacated by the woman that defeated him for mayor. He ran against the same Republican the next election and defeated him, then did it again the following election (so 2-1 in 3 times running against each other) and held that seat for 20 (TWENTY!) straight elections.
‘unfortunate realization’, by capt6550, via imgflip.com
In both cases, democRAT officials used phrases like “as mandated by state law”, and that they are “proud to see the voters…posthumously re-elect” dead democRATs, but you know they would be screaming about the “threat to our democracy”** if this involved a Republican winning that way.
Both Cooper and DeLuca were the longest serving elected officials in their respective states at the time of their deaths…which means that they likely never held real jobs, as is the case with most elected (or even appointed) democRATs.
‘The Woke on the move’, “THE WOKING DEAD; VOTE DEMOCRAT AND THEY WILL BE IN YOUR CITY SOON TOO”, by anonymous, via imgflip.com
*The Green Party are communists, and usually push the ‘Green New Deal’, which is green on the outside and communist red on the inside.
**We are, of course, a Constitutional (or Representative) Republic and NOT a ‘democracy’ {sic} which is two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for lunch.
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
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