Jason Momoa (left) and Ezra Miller (lefterer, but right in picture), from Instagram by prideofgypsies via in.mashable.com (Mashable India)
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“Form of a string of douchey statements. Shape of a career killing series of events.” –the Blunder Twins.
The actual Wonder Twins movie was just canceled, which is a win as they are the worst characters ever and there was zero reason for a movie about them. Batgirl was also canceled after filming was complete, and with respect to the “Afro-Latina” woman who was set to play her Batgirl didn’t need a race swap. The problem is that inventing new characters takes talent, so leftists take the easy way out and ruin existing characters to push their agenda instead (more below).
It would be just as racist to recast ‘The Jeffersons’ TV show with a completely race swapped cast (so for example Mr. Bentley would become a dimwit black British man). Imagine the left’s sky screaming over that! We know it bothered us when the 20th Century Fox X-Men movies took away Halle Berry’s ‘African’ accent as Storm after the first movie. We also thought Iman (model, actress, and widow of singer and actor David Bowie) would have played the character perfectly, and the accent was ‘baked in’.
Iman with David Bowie in 1992, 7 years before X-Men was filmed. Getty via smoothradio.com
So the DCEU is failing and it is because the old regime at Warner Bros. made decisions to green light things like those AND also tried to rush the beginning development part (compressing it into just a few movies instead of building it out properly), AND tried to be the MCU. The new owners at Discovery are trying to fix the mess, but not being content with the pace of the downward trip a few cast members are trying to speed up the journey.
Ironically, it isn’t Ben Affleck’s fault. And while we aren’t a fan of his (and we can’t stand his politics, obviously, but he isn’t putting them into his Bruce Wayne/Batman), those who criticized his performances as Batman were way off base. He was playing a slightly younger variation of the Frank Miller ‘Dark Knight Returns’ version of a grittier Batman who had retired but was forced back into action. For that he did just fine, and the battle with Superman was lifted (minus Green Arrow and a female Robin) from that story.
Batfleck (Ben Affleck) Versus Dark Knight Returns (by Frank Miller), from fandom.com
Also escaping blame is Henry Cavill who was unceremoniously dismissed by the OLD regime at DC / Warner Bros. (he was supposed to shoot a closing credits scene for Shazam! which they still shot with a body double, not showing the character’s face) and also did well as Superman. He was recently asked to come back by the new owners, and rumor is he said…no. Hopefully it is untrue. Also, that guy is so cool he builds his own desktop computers. We even skimmed a video once just to see how he did putting thermal paste on his CPU. The guy is a pro. Another rumor is that he might get James Bond, which would be a wise choice. Meanwhile, known racist communist Ta-Nehisi Coates was hired by the old owners to work on a ‘black superman'[SIC] concept. Again, invent your own character fucknuts, stop screwing up other people’s work you no talent buffoon.
Henry Cavill builds own desktop PC, by cavillgif (fan account) on twitter via pinterest
Without getting in to all of the details, Ray Fisher (Cyborg) made a lot of accusations against Joss Whedon (in a nutshell, abusive behavior on set) after he replaced Zack Snyder (family death) on Justice League, and based on the many accusations against Whedon by people who worked with him on other projects (such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer on TV), we believe Ray. The old WB regime ‘looked into it’ and did nothing. Hopefully, the new owners at Discovery will take another look as it would be a shame if Fisher was left out of future projects (as he was apparently cut out of The Flash script).
Ray Fisher, Warner Bros. from fortressofsolitude.co.za
We don’t really have anything too negative to say about the lovely Gal Gadot and we did promote her when others were criticizing her Wonder Woman CASTING, saying then that she would be placed on the proper diet and workout regimen and she would do fine, while others said she was far too rail thin to ever pull it off. Point Shed. We will say that we can “Imagine” movies without her.
The first Wonder Woman movie was good although it did (AGAIN) race swap some Amazonians whose mythology was tied to Greece and the Greeks, but that has nothing to do with Gadot herself. Then we heard the sequel ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ had a Trump caricature as the villain so we passed on seeing it (it bombed, but they are making a third one anyway). Someone needs to inform Gal that ‘feminism’ and ‘feminine’ are NOT the same thing. She was quoted as saying “Every woman, every man, everyone should be a feminist. Because whoever is not a feminist is a sexist,…” which is the most misandristic drivel ever. Nobody we know is anti-woman, except feminists. And THAT is why we won’t fight their trans in women’s sports battle for them. They did that to themselves.
Gal Gadot by Peggy Sirota for Rolling Stone
So the cracks are starting to show a little, but the real issues remain. And we move on to Jason Momoa, AKA race swap Aquaman. We just discovered by researching this that there is even an #NotMyAuthurCurry movement (as in the comic book he was a blond-haired white man). The second Aquaman movie is due out March 17, 2023, and leftist dolt Momoa was just quoted saying the quiet part out loud. He said that the goal of both movies is about being “able to bring awareness of what is happening to our planet” and that the sequel will follow in the footsteps of its predecessor to deliver a ‘climate change allegory’. We appreciate him doing this now, so we all have plenty of warning time and can avoid paying for another lecture.
Not to be outdone by Jason’s propaganda mission or Gal’s attitude towards men, the actor behind The Flush, uhm Flash*, has sped around the world setting records for police interaction and creepy behavior.
Ezra Miller is a freak and a communist and likely belongs in prison. His worst offense is grooming kids, the first of which is still going on. In that case the parents (an attorney and a pediatrician) have accused Ezra of grooming their child (labeled as an “activist”) since the child was 12 years old. It is confusing as to whether the ‘then child, now adult’ is a boy pretending to be a girl or a girl pretending to be a boy (either way = DNA denier), but regardless Ezra is a fucking creep. I won’t name the family, but at one point they went so far as to involve Ezra’s MOTHER and friends, and even Warner Bros (old owners, not Discovery) to intervene, but those then backed out of “intervention efforts”.
The parents called it “cult-like and psychologically manipulative, controlling behavior” and a “pattern of corrupting a minor”, and accused Miller of giving their child drugs and alcohol. Ezra even paid for the child to attend college at 16 but also traveled around the country with them, and a lot of the stops were the places he had other run-ins with the law. It seems reminiscent of the movie ‘Lolita’ (original or remake).
Reports say a judge has already signed off on the parents’ request and Miller cannot have contact with or harass their family (including their child) and is not allowed within 100 yards of their home. The court had a hearing scheduled for July 2022 but hadn’t been able to locate Miller or the child, so they couldn’t serve him the order.
There were also a string of other incidents involving him, including:
• marijuana possession in Pittsburgh, changed to two disorderly conduct citations
• video footage shows him choking a woman at a bar in Iceland
• arrest on disorderly conduct and harassment charges in Hawaii
• in that same month he also burst into a couple’s bedroom and threatened them in Hawaii
• then the next month a suspicion of assault charge was filed in Hawaii (he threw a chair which hit a woman in the head)
• then grooming a totally different 12 year old in Massachusetts, threatening that child’s family while they were in a neighbor’s home with Miller present. Ezra got into a fight over the origin of the board game Parcheesi and opened his coat to show a gun, saying to said neighbor “Talking like that could get you into a really serious situation.” Unlike the other child this one was uncomfortable and upset. A judge granted them an order of protection.
• then he hosted a 25 year old mom and her three kids (ages 1-5) at his farm in Vermont. Pray for them! The youngest found a bullet lying around and had it in their mouth.
• he abused a woman he had been friends with for 2 years while in her Berlin, Germany apartment (they had had one prior consensual sexual encounter, per her).
• just a few days ago (August 8, 2022) he was hit with a felony burglary charge in Vermont for an incident from May 1, 2022, he didn’t follow through on it properly.
Ezra Miller, from Getty Image via purebreak.com.br
Warner Bros is now weighing whether to release ‘The Flash’ or eat the $200 million cost to date (and has a real mess on their hands as Ezra is also part of their ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ franchise too). But we at the Shed have an out for the new Discovery owned Warner Bros, and offer same for free — release the movie with an apology at the front, in the middle and at the end. Something like this:
“This movie is the product of the work of many people. One person has tried to ruin it for all, and unfortunately we can’t edit him out because he is in every scene, nor can we do re-shoots which would basically mean starting completely over. He has already been paid, and we are going to lose money anyway so we are releasing this for the ten’s of people who still want to see it in an effort to recoup some of our money. We promise to never work with him again. Pinky swear. –Warner Bros. Discovery”
They could then shoot a scene using the multi-verse aspects of the DCEU to swap out Miller (killing his Flash variation) and bringing in a Flash from another reality (say they survive their own dimension being destroyed). That will work. You still have a Flash and Miller is GONE!
So the Blunder Twins (mainly Ezra) used their abilities to, Momoa = shoot himself in his movie-shaped foot with his own words (#BoycottAquaman2) and Ezra = shoot himself in his career shaped foot via a series of events he could have easily avoided by being normal. Together they are sinking the DCEU, yet they fly around the world filming and promoting movies, then pretend to make it all better by protesting an observatory being built in Hawaii.
The Snyder Cut of Justice League was long but enjoyable. It would be nice to see the 5 movies he envisioned being completed (with 2 left to be made). From the JL group, Henry appears to be the most normal one by a mile, has done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve the grief the old WB gave him. Maybe that is why it is rumored that after not wanting to leave and then asking to come back at some point, he is now willing to walk away. Perhaps the Bond series awaits.
Parler is likely gone for good as of April 14, 2023. Twitter account abandoned May 12, 2023, after Elon Musk hired WEF’er Linda Yaccarino as new CEO.
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